Fr Bob McGuire
The Victorian of the Year for 2011 is Father Bob McGuire.
Some 40 years ago, a young Catholic Priest moved to a Parish in South Melbourne. He was immediately confronted with many issues in the local area, which included 17,000 people living in the surrounding commission flats.
Social issue’s that many of us would avoid talking about, like prostitution, homelessness, domestic violence, drug & alcohol abuse, and extreme poverty.
Driven by a deep personal conviction to make a difference, over the next 40 years, he took the ministry of the church to the streets.
Feeding people, clothing people and supporting people. He is a person who speaks out, is a doer not a sayer and maybe he has stepped on a few toe’s along the way, challenging all of us to act and not turn a blind eye.
His service to the Victorian community has impacted 1000’s of people.
He has established many organisations and motivated many people to make a difference.